Thursday 14 February 2013

Production Proposal



Ahmed Abdillahi
Production Title:

Return of the Bobby


  To create a documentary about the Greenford High School police officer who patrols the local community. This will 2-3 minutes long and will be shown on a segment on Channel 4 News.


Attempt to reproduce an accurate, fair and non sensationalist representation of a Police officer.

Description of your intentions:

As found by my critical investigation, the representation of the Police by the media institutions is sensationalised and unrealistic. My production would hope to fight of these inaccurate representations that has plagued the air waves and create a realistic representation of the Police and bring back the 1960's Bobby. To create an accurate representation, very little mediation would be required except for basic cuts. The camera work would be simple and I would 100% use natural lighting to strengthen the realism I am attempting to recreate.

Target Audience:

16+ ,C1-2,D, E Male/Female

Similar Products:

Various similar products however my text shall have a slightly different representation.

Production Details: Details still unknown right now

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